About Me

A little about me.....

I am a true County girl.  =)  I grew up in Presque Isle, the daughter of a potato farmer, whose mom taught her at a young age that ALL children are important, special, and have great gifts that need to be uncovered.  I have enjoyed helping kiddos of all ages and abilities find their gifts and talents, watching them become more confident and take more chances when attempting to learn and master what was being asked of them.  I am so excited to have this opportunity once again and can't wait to see what the year will bring.


I know that it "takes a village to raise a child," and so know how important input from you is in helping us better serve you and your child(ren).  I have included below my contact information and encourage you to contact me ANYTIME about ANYTHING. Together, we can help make school a wonderful experience for your child(ren).

Email: bmorse@msad45.net

Cell:  207-231-0064

Home:  207-444-4558 (until 8P)